
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Peer Mediator Group #4

Stage #1 Introduction & Ground Rules
  • Introductions
  • Get VERBAL yes/no to ground rules:
    • Remain seated
    • No interruptions
    • Respect each other - no put downs
  • Confidentiality and Neutrality explained
  • Explain 6 phases
  • Notes may be taken and time out discussed
  • Questions
Stage #2 Telling the Story
  • Introduce stage two
  • Mediators ask one disputant to: "Please tell your side of the story." Mediators use active listening skills, good eye contact, acknowledge, open ended questions, and paraphrasing. 
  • Mediator summarizes first disputant's story and thanks
  • Mediator asks the disputant,"How do you feel about the problem?"
  • Mediator reflects on first disputant's feelings & thanks
  • Mediator repeats this process for second disputant 
Stage #3 Understanding the Problem
  • Introduce stage three
  • Mediators direct participants to talk to each other (keep disputants focused and within the ground rules.)
  • Ask the first disputant: "What does _____ say the problem is?"
  • Ask the second disputant: "Is this correct?"
  • Repeat this process with the second disputant
  • Ask the first disputant: "How do you think ____ feels?"
  • Repeat this process with the second disputant.
  • Ask "Do each of you understand how the other feels?" If either says NO, repeat stages two and three.
Stage #4 Identifying Solutions
  • Introduce stage four
  • Explain that each person will come up with solutions to solve the problem.
  • Alternate asking each person for solutions.
  • Write down ALL solutions
  • If disputant gets "stuck" ask, "What do you need to solve the problem?" or "What can YOU do to help solve the problem?"
  • Read back solutions, one by one. Ask each person if they agree after you read each.
  • Ask "Are there any more solutions to be added?"
Stage #5 Resolution
  • Introduce stage five
  • Re-read the agreement
  • Write down all solutions agreed upon on contract
  • Have both parties sign the contract
  • Both mediators sign the contract
  • Explain that the contract will be available for review later. 
Stage #6 Departure & Follow-up
  • Thank parties for choosing mediation
  • Tell participants "We will follow up with you in a few days to see how your solutions are working."
  • Remind students about confidentiality
  • Mention re-mediation option
  • Ask for final questions.
  • Depart mediaton in an approved safe way
  • Give contract to advisor and receive pass to class